Animo is currently participating in the EUDI Wallet Prototypes Funke from SPRIN-D, the German innovation institution. This is an overview of the progress so far.
Before Animo starts on a large part of the wallet implementation work, there are some big open-source milestones to tackle in Credo. Credo is a framework written in TypeScript for building decentralized identity solutions. The framework aims to be compliant and interoperable with identity standards across the world, and we're happy to say we've been helping it progress towards that goal.
We've already merged initial support for X509 certificates in Credo, and are now wrapping up the integration of this with SD-JWT VC and OpenID4VC
We've updated OpenID4VCI support to Draft 13/ID1, and are also working to update support for OpenID4VP to Draft 20
We started work on an open-source implementation of OpenID Federation, you can follow the progress
We've made several PRs to the Sphereon open-source OpenID4VC libraries, adding support for X509 certificates, and removing some DID focused dependencies
We've created an Open Source Expo/React Native wrapper around the Ausweis SDK, an SDK to enable NFC authentication with the German eID Card, which will be used to receive the PID in the wallet.
So, a lot of exciting work is already happening, but a lot more to do! We'll be sharing more about our open-source progress as it develops, so make sure to follow along! To discuss our work or progress, reach out to our CEO Ana Goessens.